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Celestron F6.3減焦鏡
Celestron F6.3減焦鏡適用於 Celestron 5" 6" 8" 9" 11"和14"施密特 - 卡塞格林SCT望遠鏡,以及Sky-Watcher MAK150/MAK180等望遠鏡機種。這是一個奇妙的配件,它可以在不犧牲影像品質的情況下將您的望遠鏡減焦至, F6.3 。
The Reducer Corrector lets a Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope become a wide-angle telescope with a nice flat image and no residual color at 10% of the cost of a second scope.
This device is an accessory for use with Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes. It is intended to convert the telescope into a shorter focal length wide-angle field of view telescope.
Celestron advertises the f/6.3 focal reducer as being the one accessory needed to turn one of their f/10 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescopes ( SCTs ) into another telescope. In fact, they even claim its potency is so great that a shorter focal length version of their telescopes is redundant, so they don't make them since one of the f/10 telescopes can be turned into the other telescope at will at 10% or less of its cost.
正 陽 光 學 儀 器 有 限 公 司 總公司:台中市西屯區河南路二段548號 TEL:04-27063626 FAX:04-27063534 (河南路與中港路交叉口)